Sandringham Knockdown Rebuild

Sandringham Knockdown Rebuild. Creating the Bayside dream.

After being unsuccessful in finding the right home to suit their lifestyle and needs, our clients decided to custom design and build their dream home on a new site.

The idea was to find a Sandringham Knockdown Rebuild to create their bayside dream.

With the assistance of a Buyers Advocate, they secured a corner block that was well positioned in the area, close to amenities and was perfect for their new home.

They worked closely with the team at Generation Builders to not only design a home that catered for their lifestyle and needs, but was also within their budget, maximised the use of the land and did not overcapitalise for the location.

Would you like to have a chat with us about your project?




Custom HOMe Designs

Knockdown Rebuild

Townhouse Development

Sloping Blocks